Vision Statement
To extend a warm and loving welcome with a sense of belonging to everyone as they enter the doors of First Baptist Church South Hill (FBCSH) as well as those viewers engaging in the FBCSH Sunday morning Live Stream services.
Most guests will decide in the first few minutes if they will return, even before the music starts or the first prayer is prayed. It’s easy to walk into church if you go there on a weekly basis however if you are a first time guest, you may feel uncomfortable because you are walking into an unfamiliar church. The Greeters Ministry is designed to eliminate any feeling of intimidation. The goal is to make everyone feel welcomed with love and appreciation.
Our welcome is also extended to members, friends and first-time guests viewing the weekly Sunday morning live stream services. We express our love and appreciation for selecting FBCSH to join in for an inspiring and Godly worship experience.
The Greeters’ Ministry is the first impression and reception of FBCSH Holy fellowship. Greeters provide a warm and loving welcome with a sense of belonging to everyone entering the doors of FBCSH seeking the Word of God. In addition, Greeters extend virtually a warm welcome expressing love and appreciation to viewers participating in the Sunday morning live stream services.
The Simple
The simple truth is that we are God’s children and belong to Him. When you participate in FBCSH worship services, either physically attending or virtually live streaming, we express our Christian love, extend a warm, heartfelt welcome and offer any assistance if needed.
Ministry Leaders
Sheila Mason, President
Leroy Gilliam, Vice President