Ephesians 4:12,13
for the equipping of the saints for the work of ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ, till we all come to the unity of the faith and of the knowledge of the Son of God, to a perfect man, to the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ; (NKJV)
- Nurture
- Proclamation, Witness
- Worship
- Ministry
Equip & Empower the members of FBCSH to realize our mission and utilize our Gifts to have an Evangelistic Impact in the Kingdom of God.
To Promote & Advance the Kingdom of God by showing the love of Christ through Evangelism, Discipleship, Ministry, Worship, Fellowship, & Outreach
In the year 1883, when a group of members held their Prayer Services and Sunday school in the home of the late Jane Ferebee in Norfolk County. These members came from several churches in the Norfolk/ Norfolk counties to form Saint Mary’s Baptist Church. Some of the early founders were Bro. & Sis. Billy Williams, Bro. and Sis. Joshua Watson, Bro. and Sis. Charlie Ruffin, Bro. and Sis. Louis Ruffin, Bro. and Sis. Henry Hayslette, Sis. Kate Harris, Bro. Will Johnson, Sis. Ann Williams, and many others. These founders obtained a church building and called as their first pastor Rev. B.B. Williams. Under his tenure, the church was moved to Hill Street.
The church experienced tremendous growth under the leadership of several pastors over the next few decades. The church experienced several large renovations/ annexations and built several new church buildings. Also many new ministries and choirs were formed during these years.
In 1987, Rev. Michael R. Toliver became the church’s eighteenth pastor. He has proven to be a man of high ideals, firm convictions, stalwart character, and a scholar of great magnitude. His influence is not only felt in the immediate community, but also throughout the city.
Under his vision and leadership, several debts were paid, important purchases were made, and new ministries were formed, including: Benevolent, Family, Bereavement, Members Care Group, Men’s Fellowship, Women’s Fellowship, New Members Classes, Singles, Media, Youth Tutoring, Youth Department, Combined Choir, Male Chorus, Praise Dancers, and Drama. Discipleship courses were also established.
As the church experienced new growth, Rev. Toliver was given a vision by God to build a new church. This building was completed in 2003. To God be all the glory as He continues to bless this branch of Zion!