New Year, New You! Affirmations for 2016

Ladies, in this New Year let’s embrace small, positive habits that will completely transform our lives! Use these affirmations to daily speak life over yourself and your situation. We Expect the Great!


  1. I Am Fearfully And Wonderfully Made!
  2. God Will Bless The Works Of My Hands!
  3. Goodness, Mercy And Blessings Chase Me Down And Overtake Me!
  4. I Am The Head And Not The Tail…Above And Not Beneath!
  5. I Am More Than A Conqueror!
  6. I Can Do All Things Through Christ Who Strengthens Me!
  7. Great Is The Peace Of My Children!
  8. I Am Filled To The Top And Overflowing With The Love Of God!
  9. I Am A Blessing In This Earth!
  10. I Have Been Chosen For Greatness!
  11. I Have Power, Love And A Sound Mind!
  12. I Hear God’s Voice And Follow His Leading!
  13. I Am The Apple Of God’s Eye!
  14. I Grow Daily In Wisdom, Love And Kindness!
  15. I Am Loved, I Am Lovable, And I Am A Loving Person!
  16. New And Better Relationships Are Coming To Me!
  17. I Am A Cheerful Giver And A Money Magnet!
  18. I Will Prosper In What God Has Called Me To Do!
  19. I Have A Future Filled With Hope And Not Destruction!
  20. I Love My Body And Take Good Care Of It!
  21. My Body Is Strong And My Health Is Well!
  22. I Am Healed By The Stripes Of Jesus!
  23. My Heart And My Home Are Filled With Peace!
  24. I Choose To Prosper In My Mind, Body And Soul!
  25. I Live And Speak With Life Changing Wisdom!
  26. Wealth Has Been Laid Up For Me!
  27. I Am Successful Because I Follow God!
  28. I Will See My Dreams Come True In This Life!
  29. I Release The Past And Embrace The Present God Has Given Me!
  30. I Choose To Rejoice in All Things!
  31. I humble myself and walk in God’s favor
  32. My loved ones walk in the salvation and blessing of God!
  33. I will move forward and follow God no matter what!
  34. I trust God with my whole heart and He directs my path!
  35. My Body Is A Precious Temple And I Will Feed It Well!
  36. My Mind Is A Masterpiece And I Will Fill It With Good Thoughts!
  37. My Words Are Powerful…I Will Choose Them Well And Speak Blessings And Not Curses!
  38. I Choose To Forgive And Be Forgiven!
  39. I Will Prosper And Be In Good Health! This Is God’s Desire For Me!
  40. I Am Always Protected And I Will Not Fear!
  41. I Am Growing In The Knowledge Of God!
  42. I Will Walk In Peace And Love!
  43. My Family Lives In The Favor And Blessings Of God!
  44. Jesus Thought I Was To Die For!
  45. I Am Valuable And Worth More Than Rubies!
  46. My Future Will Be Greater Than My Past!
  47. I Am Beautiful And Worthy Of Every Truly Beautiful Thing!
  48. I Am Beautiful, Powerful And Free!
  49. I Choose To Radiate Love, Joy & Gratitude Today. I Walk In The Light!
  50. I release my need to impress others. I choose to accept myself just the way I am!
  51. I release my need to compare myself to others. I am enough just as I am!
  52. I honor my need to rest and recharge. I will find at least one hour of “me” time today!
  53. I take my goals seriously. I honor my life by doing what I love.
  54. I honor my desire to reach my goals. By doing at least one thing every day, I make consistent progress toward my dreams!
  55. I don’t have to wait until I feel “ready” to take action on my goals. The timing will never be perfect. I am ready now.
